Women Looking for Jobs – How to Read between the Lines?
This article will discuss not only how to read actual want ads as they appear in newspapers, but it will also address a broader issue, which is how to determine whether or not any particular job, as advertised, is something in which you would be interested. After all, applying for jobs is time consuming, and it's better to weed out the ones you don't want so as to focus upon the ones you do!
One thing to watch out for, whether you are reading the newspapers, perusing internet postings, or looking through flyers on bulletin boards, is jobs that continually reappear, over and over again. This is a warning flag. Now, it could be that a particular company is growing by such leaps and bounds that it continually needs new workers. If this is the case, and if you like the idea of working for such a business, then there is no problem! However, jobs that come back over and over again are often those which experience terribly high turn-over rates because the situations are not acceptable. Perhaps the employer will not pay a fair wage, or there is some sort of harassment going on, or other similar issues. This is why you should watch out for ads that repeat themselves.

Another thing to examine in any given advertisement are the details. Specifically, how many or how few. Does the ad tell you the hourly or yearly rate of pay? Does it give a general job description? Is it clear whether or not you will be required to travel as part of your responsibilities? How vague is the ad written? Are too many things implied, with no way to check them out (that is, no contact name or number you can call and find out the answers to your questions)? If the advertisement is quite unclear, and no clarification is available, this doesn't mean that this isn't your dream job -- it simply means that you should proceed with caution.
You should also examine want ads for the particular kind of experience and/or education that is required for the position. If, for example, the job is an entry-level one, then probably a high school diploma or equivalent should do. If the position is more professional, such as one with an accounting or engineering firm, then it should be clearly stated what minimum requirements there are. If not, then it's important for you to find out before you spend too much time looking into something that may never pan out. Remember, it's always a bad idea to lie on your resume or job application, as the consequences are severe if you are discovered, and so your qualifications should at least fall into the general area of that which your employer wants or else you will be wasting your time.
On the other hand, sometimes employers are looking for particular skills that have nothing to do with education or experience, such leadership, common sense, writing talent, and so forth -- and any want ad that suggests such a thing is one to especially look into, as you might find yourself with a very unique position. Ads that sound too good to be true, probably are not real and require especial caution.
And in fact, it's always best to look into any want ad further as long as it strikes your interest! These are just some tips to make your search a bit more focused and fruitful.