Polish Woman as a Lifetime Partner
It is not easy to find a lifetime partner. There are a few important things a man should remember while looking for a serious relationship with a Polish woman.
First of all, he should be trustworthy and faithful. There is nothing more discouraging for a Polish woman than a man who thinks he can get any "Eastern European Girl" and can "test" them just because he's got more money. You should remember that the majority of the Polish people are Roman Catholic and most of them do have strong faith in God and His commandments (even though some of them may have been spoiled by the democratic system).

Second, Polish women appreciate it when the man is taking care of them. It doesn't necessarily mean that the man should buy his Polish girlfriend or Polish wife the biggest diamond ring ever; most of the times it's just the opposite because simple and sincere "I love you" or a tender hug can do wonders for your relationship. Your woman should know and feel that she is the only one and she can trust you anytime and any day. That's why, it's important underline the fact that whenever you are among other women, it is not advisable to look around and make your Polish girl feel like she is not the only one. Polish women have their pride and if they feel you are trying to play them, they do not appreciate it at all.
Third, most Polish women don't like to be treated in a stereotypical way. Phrases like: "Polish women can cook very well" or "Polish girls keep the house clean" are sometimes overused by some men. True, Polish women are excellent cooks (I don't know how it is but every Polish woman I knew cooked delicious meals") and they know how to take care of the house and the family, but it doesn't necessarily mean all of them like to be associated with such simplified stereotypes because every girl or woman is different and not all Polish girls s are fond of cooking or becoming a housewife.
Fourth, Polish people are accustomed to being a part of a large family (in most cases extended family). So don't get irritated or surprised when your Polish wife invites you to meet her grandmother or cousins and don't show your Polish woman that you don't care about them because it may put her off (she is going to think - "Hmm. He doesn't like my family - what kind of a father is he going to be? Won't he love our children either?"
Fifth, you should remember that for most Polish women money doesn't mean *everything.* From my own experience, I know most "Western girls" don't mind marrying even the most "disgusting or pathetic man" (or the man they know they won't be able to have a good relationship with) just to get his money. For most Polish women, happy and long-term relationship with a man they love and desire is more important than possessing his fortune. Nowadays, it's not easy to live in Poland as far as economical issues are concerned, so most Polish women who were born and brought up in Poland are used to living in different conditions.
In return, if you treat your Polish girlfriend or woman in a serious and respectable way and follow at least a couple of the above tips, she will pay you back over in her absolute love, affection, and devotion to you throughout your life. And this is priceless, don't you think?
This article has been written by a Polish-American man who met his future Polish wife in Poland, got married, and came back to the United States.