Do the Majority of Polish Women Have the Tendency to Marry Foreigners?
Increasingly more we hear about mixed marriages; in these days it's almost a daily occurrence. Polish women are very eager to marry foreigners, especially those from the west or those from beyond the ocean. It's probably caused by the desire to run away to an easier life beyond the borders of our (still poor) country. It's commonly accepted that we are living in times of increasing unemployment, and the resultant decreasing quality of life in Poland. Everyone is therefore trying to find better luck in other countries.

The easiest and best method for many Polish women to find well-paying and legal employment in a foreign country is to marry a person of that country; such a relationship simplifies the citizenship application process and allows for legal employment. We still remember times when Polish women took fictional “paper marriages” with people from the west only so they could leave and work in those countries. Today that is happening less frequently. In modern times Polish women actually marry the foreigners. They are guided by their feelings rather than simply wanting to get citizenship in a given country. As well, the desire to learn something new pushes our girls to marry foreigners. And foreigners come to to our country to find wives since, apparently, the most beautiful girls come from Poland. But that's not the only reason why citizens of other countries want to tie the know primarily in Poland.
Another reason is because our women are great house keepers and can take care of the house and family very well. And Polish women marry foreigners not only to experience a better life, and get to know the world, but also increasingly more they do it out of genuine love. Increasingly more it happens that the couple decide not to leave the country, but to settle in Poland. As well, in modern times a marriage with a foreigner doesn't bring out the strong negative emotions it did 15 years ago when it was interpreted by the rest of the society merely as good business. Today it's taken to be the commonest thing in the world. It's fair to say that the times of “backwardness” have passed when a mixed marriage was seen in our country as something strange, worthy of disapproval, especially in smaller places where everyone knew everything about everyone.
Today the attitude of people changed so dramatically that those kinds of marriages no longer bring out distaste in people. In some circles rather the opposite they provide examples worthy to emulate. Of course it's not a rule that every fashionable Polish girl must marry a foreigner, however, more and more of them decide to do so when they observe the general impotence of domestic choices. Perhaps we'll live to see the day when Polish women, in search of husbands, will leave our country. On the other hand looking at a citizen of western Europe and at a Pole it's no wonder why Polish women choose foreigners as life partners.
As well, as was mentioned at the beginning, the situation in our country does not look rosy, even after our acceptance to the confines of the European Union. In many places there are worries that this will simply increase the number of marriages with foreigners since the legal aspects are now much more simplified. After Poland joined the EU there was an increase in the aforementioned “paper marriages”, but this time with people from non-associated countries. For them a marriage with a Polish woman is a chance to get Polish citizenship and become a legal member of the EU. Men form beyond our eastern border pay our girls very handsome sums of money to marry them. Considering the rather difficult job market situation in our country it's easy to understand why the Polish girls who live close to the border decide to do what they do. They hope that the money thusly received will help them to “bounce back” - that is to say, they hope that the money can help them start their own business, or pay off their debts, etc. It's different with the marriages of Polish women who enter into marriage with our western neighbors; here feelings play an increasingly more important role rather than the desire to change one's situation and quality of life.
Summing up these musings about the tendencies of Polish women to marry foreigners, we can say that our women marry foreigners very eagerly. Despite the fact that to take such a step is not easy since it is very often tied to leaving the homeland, those women who decide to take this path of life seem not to care much about it. It's probably a facade; as such a decision is always hard. Polish women who married foreigners and left the country are always eager to come back to the country they spent their childhood and youth in.