What Values Characterize Polish Women as Workers?
The Polish people have an opinion of a hard working nation, like busy bees, in Europe and beyond, well organized, obligatory and home makers. That’s why they are gladly hired abroad. Employers looking for new crew members, gladly consider employing a worker from Poland for an open position, knowing, that it’s a worthwhile decision. In the background of other nations Poles present themselves as good professionals, not afraid of hard work.
Polish women leaving the country in means of finding work abroad not only want to be hired but also get to know the new culture and learn foreign languages. Very often they sacrifice a lot, it happens, that the leave creates for them huge recantations and that's why they are very determined to achieve success in career work. They have strong motivation; they want to prove to themselves and others that they are capable of assimilating with society to which they attach. They desire to make good money and obtain a necessary social position. Properly motivated they show to be hard working, loyal employees.

In order to have the female worker be effective and engage herself for the better interest of the company, one needs to take care of her proper path to the business. It is important right away at the beginning to carefully present a line of duties in the position. Talk over all kind of duties as well as tasks, but also inform about favorable privileges, possible premiums or other forms of rewards for increased labor. Actually, lead into a new position they will quickly become an irreplaceable worker.
The employer, wanting to gain a loyal and devoted to the company worker, should try to keep all kinds of made promises rendered during the qualification interview. Obeying workers' rights, giving out awards for accomplishing clearly described goals and “human” approach to the worker are not to be overpriced. Ideally, it would be for the employer to correctly motivate exertion for the good of the organization.
Premiums, which are due to all workers, without fact for the factual exertion input in the accomplished task, don’t encourage to increased productivity. The motivational add-ons should be individually matched, to reinforce the engagement of the worker as much as possible. Polish women, as persons most often with ambitions, aim for growth, besides the financial proofs of approval from the employer, also positively collect also add-ons in a form of marketing bonds, regenerative meals or possibilities of additionally financed rest time.
With regards for a model of a Polish family and traditionally abidance of the role of a woman, they wonderfully fulfill positions related to taking care of the house, cooking, caring for children or elderly. In raising young Polish women, a big pressure is put upon the ability of tasty and creative cooking. Thrifty and manageable, they try to run the house in which the inhabitants will always find something good to eat. Homes of Polish women are very clean and perfect order exists there.
When hiring Polish women, the employer should take care of proper schooling giving them a change to gain new abilities and widening the already known competence. The ability for schooling is also a motivating element, on the same level as the possibility of using the company car or using the company computer.
When deciding on hiring a Polish woman, it is worth it to create an amiable atmosphere and allow the new worker to feel that we regard her as a valuable asset to the company. This allows her to feel more secure and believe in her own strength. It's also worthwhile to open up to the ways of the country, from which the new worker comes from. This might become an interesting and a widening horizons life event. There is even a chance, that while gaining a new worker, we will also gain new enriching experience.